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BINRocks™ Natural Odour Eliminating Rocks 200g

BINRocks™ Natural Odour Eliminating Rocks 200g

Grip seal bag containing 200g of ClearOFF BINRocks™ Natural Odour Eliminating Rocks. Our FAVOURITE Natural Deodorising Mineral.

Add BINRocks™ to bins to help reduce nasty smells and odours. BINRocks™ last for up to 2 months and will keep your kitchen and other bins odour free.
  • Details

    Wheelie bins are a great invention, but they have a downside - the smell that emanates from them. Of course this is to be expected since their purpose is to store your rubbish, but the smells are still unpleasant. If you have bins right next to your house, this can be an even bigger problem. You don't want the bins to disrupt the harmony in your home. However, there is a fool proof method which helps to eliminate odours in bins. This is perfect for anyone struggling with unpleasant odours in and out of their homes due to wheelie bins.

    •Can also be added to cat litter trays
    •Placed in a bowl and left in your WC
    •Place in a small container with lid (pierce holes in the lid) and place under the seats of your car, caravan or motorhome.
    •If you have musty smelling books or other strange smelling things, seal them in a plastic bag with a handful of BINRocks™ for a couple of weeks and the smell will go away.
    •Smelly trainers? No problem. Place a handful of BINRocks™ in an old sock and leave in the trainers overnight.

    Usage instructions:
    Place 100g of BINRocks™ per 20 litre capacity bin (80 Litre Bin = 400g etc.) I the bottom of your bin. Replace once every 2 months.


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